Sample post to setup my Zap

Hi!! Welcome to my blog post page. This is a sample page to test the setup of my Zap. I'm testing all the things here in this post to see how this will all work with Zapier. Let's get started with lists.

In Webflow, you can have unordered and ordered lists. But, when you use the Rich text element, you can't have nested lists or more than one level to your list. You can with Markdown and Zapier!

  • This is a list item
  • This is a list item
  • This is a list item
    • This is a list item
    • This is a list item
      • This is a list item
    • This is a list item
  • This is a list item

Awesome! Let's do a numbered list!

  1. This is a list item
  2. This is a list item
  3. This is a list item
  4. This is a list item
  5. This is a list item

Now let's test out a responsive YouTube video embed. You should see it here (set up using Embed Responsively):

Now let's insert a block quote!

“Do I need to be liked? Absolutely not. I like to be liked. I enjoy being liked. I have to be liked, but it’s not like this compulsive need to be liked, like my need to be praised.” - Michael Scott

I added a class to Webflow that let's me highlight text. You can use the span element to do this with this flow. This should be highlighted when you view this page.

Next, I'll add in a couple of images. First, let's add an image being served up by Dropbox.

Now let's add an image being served up from GitHub. This is the OG image we're using for this post.

Great! I think we've covered almost everything! Thanks so much for checking this out! I appreciate you taking the time!